Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Klirrende Klingen, fliegende Krieger und harte Handkantenkracher.
Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

River (Japan / 2023)


Produktionsland: Japan
Jahr: 2023
Regie: Junta Yamaguchi
Darsteller: Riko Fujitani, Manami Honjô, Gôta Ishida, Yoshimasa Kondô, Shiori Kubo, Masahiro Kuroki, Kohei Morooka

RIVER ist eine aberwitzige japanische Sci-Fi-Komödie von Junta Yamaguchi, der bereits die kultige Zeitreise-Comedy BEYOND THE INFINITE TWO MINUTES inszenierte – und diese mit einem genialen Script und einem grandiosen Schauspieler-Ensemble nochmal übertrumpft!

Im kleinen japanischen Örtchen Kibune scheint die Zeit stillzustehen: Buchstäblich! Die Hotelangestellte Mikoto staunt nicht schlecht, als sie sich plötzlich am kleinen Fluss hinter der alten Herberge wiederfindet. Immer und immer wieder! Mikoto, ihre Arbeitskollegen und die illustre Schar an Hotelgästen scheinen in einem Zeit-Loop gefangen, der sie sekundengenau nach zwei Minuten wieder an ihre “Ausgangspositionen” zurücksetzt. Während einige Hotelgäste schnell dabei sind, den Verstand zu verlieren, suchen andere nach einem Ausweg und merken bald, dass hier offenbar übersinnliche Geschehnisse die Zeit verrückt spielen lassen.

„Mit „River“ schafft es der japanische Regisseur also, das beinahe Unmögliche möglich zu machen und toppt seinen Erfolg von 2020 meiner Meinung nach nochmal deutlich“ Asianfilmweb

„unglaubliche Wärme und Charme“ uncut.at

„Aus dem japanischen Genrekino ist Junta Yamaguchi nun nicht mehr wegzudenken.“ Uncut.at

„Hinreißend, liebevoll und überraschend heilsam.“ Weird Weekender Festival

RIVER hatte seine Deutschlandpremiere auf dem Weird Weekender Festival.

Ab 4.4.2024 als VOD und limitiertes Mediabook mit exklusivem Artwork und Bonusmaterial erhältlich!

Quelle: https://buschmediagroup.de/portfolio/river/

Info MB: https://buschmediagroup.de/portfolio/river/
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/376417,River-T ... oop-Hotel/

VÖ-Termin: 04.04.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

The Point Men (Südkorea / 2023)


Jahr: 2023
Land: Südkorea
Darsteller: Hwang Jung-min, Hyun Bin, Kang Ki-young, Lee Seung-cheol, Jeong Jae-seong
Regie: Soon-rye Yim

Ein fesselnder Actionthriller, basierend auf einer der brisantesten Geiselkrisen Südkoreas! Die packende Geschichte um zwei gegensätzliche Agenten und ihren scheinbar unmöglichen Auftrag zieht den Zuschauer von Anfang bis Ende in ihren Bann. Dank der elektrisierenden Chemie zwischen den Protagonisten Hwang Jung-min (Narco-Saints) und Hyun Bin (Rampant) und der schwelenden Spannung hebt sich THE POINT MEN über die Grenzen eines typischen Geiseldramas weit hinaus. Ein aufregendes und emotional aufgeladenes Film-Erlebnis!

Afghanistan, 2006: Eine Gruppe koreanischer Missionare wird von den Taliban entführt, um inhaftierte Kämpfer freizupressen. Die koreanische Regierung entsendet Jae-ho, einen ihrer fähigsten Diplomaten, um die Freilassung der Geiseln zu verhandeln. Trotz all seiner Bemühungen scheitern die ersten Gespräche, weshalb Spezialagent Dae-sik einen alternativen Weg finden soll, die Situation so schnell es geht zu entschärfen. Während sich zunächst beide Männer gegenseitig im Weg stehen, wird als unmissverständliches Zeichen die erste Geisel umgebracht. In einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit werden Jae-ho und Dae-sik zu unwahrscheinlichen Verbündeten und gehen immer drastischere Risiken ein, um Herr der Lage zu werden!

• „Fesselnder Actionthriller nach wahren Begebenheiten“ Moviebreak
• „Eine extrem gut umgesetzte, realistische Geschichte über eine der größten Geiselkrisen Südkoreas“ themoviedb.org
• Hervorragend besetzt mit den koreanischen Stars Hwang Jung-min (Narco-Saints) und Hyun Bin (Rampant)!
• „Die Actionsequenzen sind kinetisch und chaotisch, die dramatischen Stellen sind spannend“ MIB’s Instant Headache

Quelle: https://splendid-film.de/the-point-men-gegen-die-zeit

Info DVD: https://splendid-film.de/the-point-men-gegen-die-zeit
Info BD: https://splendid-film.de/the-point-men-gegen-die-zeit
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/375977,The-Point-Men/

VÖ-Termin: 26.04.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Black Mask (Hongkong / 1996)


Jahr: 1996
Lamd: Hongkong
Darsteller: Jet Li, Lau Ching-Wan, Karen Mok, Françoise Yip, Patrick Lung, Anthony Wong
Regie: Daniel Lee


Jet Li stars in an action-packed superhero spectacle produced by the legendary Tsui Hark!

Tsui Chik (Li) is a librarian who leads a quiet, unassuming life – or, at least, that’s what he wants people to believe. In truth, he was once a member of the 701 Squad, a group of elite combatants produced by a failed super-soldier project. In kind with his former comrades, his central nervous system has been altered to render him impervious to pain. When several of his fellow test subjects resurface and embark on a crimewave under the leadership of their former commander Hung Kuk (Patrick Lung), Tsui is forced to use his extraordinary abilities once more. Donning a costume, he sets out to face his past – as the vigilante known as the Black Mask.

Adapted from the manhua by Pang Chi-ming and Li Chi-tak and heavily influenced by Bruce Lee’s turn as Kato in The Green Hornet, Black Mask is one of the most entertaining movies in Jet Li’s filmography and boasts action orchestrated by Yuen Woo-ping, who would later win an Academy Award for his work on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Eureka Classics is proud to present the film in its rarely seen uncut version on Blu-ray from a 2K restoration!


- Limited Edition Two Disc Set [2000 copies]
- Limited edition O-Card slipcase featuring new artwork by Grégory Sacré (Gokaiju)
- A limited edition collector’s booklet featuring new writing on the film by James Oliver
- Limited Edition bonus disc featuring two alternate versions of the film

- Disc One:
- Fully uncut Hong Kong version presented in 1080p from a 2K restoration
- Original US version presented in 1080p from a 2K restoration
- Original Cantonese Stereo and optional DTS-HD MA 5.1 (Hong Kong Version)
- Optional English subtitles, newly translated for this release
- Brand new audio commentary on the Hong Kong version by Asian film expert Frank Djeng (NY Asian Film festival)
- Brand new audio commentary on the US export version by action cinema experts Mike Leeder and Arne Venema
- Brand new interview with stuntman Mike Lambert
- Brand new interview with film critic Andrew Heskins (eastern Kicks)
- Brand new interview with Leon Hunt, author of Kung Fu Cult Masters: From Bruce Lee to Crouching Tiger
- Reversible sleeve featuring original poster artwork
- Archival Making of featurette
- Trailers

- Disc Two:
- Alternate Taiwanese cut of the film
- Extended version of Black Mask featuring all the unique footage from the various releases of the film re-inserted

Quelle: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/black-m ... ition-set/

Info BD: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/black-m ... ition-set/
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/8,Black-Mask/

VÖ-Termin: 22.04.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

The Bounty Hunter Trilogy (Japan)


he Bounty Hunter Trilogy

Before he made his name in Lone Wolf and Cub Tomisaburo Wakayama starred in this triptych of violent samurai spectacles that draw on James Bond and Spaghetti Westerns for inspiration yet feature the familiar style and blood-spattering action of the period. Wakayama stars as Doctor and spy-for-hire Shikoro Ichibei who in Shigehiro (The Streetfighter) Ozawa's Killer's Mission is hired to prevent the sale of firearms to a hostile Shogun. In Eiichi (13 Assassins) Kudo's follow-up, The Fort of Death, Ichibei is hired on a Seven Samurai-style mission to protect a village of farmers from a ruthless Lord. The final film sees Ozawa return for Eight Men to Kill, in which Ichibei is hired to recover a cache of stolen gold from the government's mine. Featuring an array of weapons and gadgets that would make Q proud with Ichibei supported by a band of helpers including fellow spies, ronin and female ninjas, the Bounty Hunter films deliver action thrills galore and deserve to sit alongside the celebrated action epics that followed.


- High-Definition digital transfer of each film presented on two discs, made available on Blu-ray (1080p) for the first time in the world
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Audio commentary on Killer’s Mission by Tom Mes
- Interview with film historian and Shigehiro Ozawa expert Akihito Ito about the filmmaker
- Visual essay on Eiichi Kudo by Japanese cinema expert Robin Gatto
- Series poster and press image gallery
- Trailers
- Optional English subtitles
- Six postcards of artwork from the films
- Reversible sleeves featuring artwork based on original posters
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by samurai film expert Alain Silver, an obituary of Eiichi Kudo by Kinji Fukasaku and an interview piece on Shigehiro Ozawa after his retirement from filmmaking
- Limited Edition of 3000 copies, presented in a rigid box with full-height Scanavo cases and removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... trilogy-le

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... trilogy-le
Info Filme: Siehe OFDB

VÖ-Termin: 25.03.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Black Tight Killers (Japan / 1966)


Herstellungsland: Japan:
Erscheinungsjahr: 1966
Regie: Yasuharu Hasebe
Darsteller: Akemi Kita, Mieko Nishio, Bokuzen Hidari, Akira Kobayashi, Chieko Matsubara

After wooing stewardess Yoriko (Chieko Matsubara, Tokyo Drifter), war photographer Hondo (Akira Kobayashi, Battles Without Honor and Humanity) sees her kidnapped by a team of deadly female assassins who use vinyl records as weapons. Investigating her whereabouts, Hondo uncovers a conspiracy to steal a buried stash of WWII-era gold. Soon he must dodge go-go dancing ninjas and chewing-gum bullets to save Yoriko, whose family secret is tied to the hidden treasure. Every bit as stylish and inventive as the wildest works by his mentor Seijun Suzuki, Yasuharu Hasebe’s spy spoof is a gaudy 1960s pop delight that ranks with the likes of Joseph Losey’s Modesty Blaise and Mario Bava’s Danger: Diabolik!


- High-Definition digital transfer
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Audio commentary by Jasper Sharp
- Archival interview with director Yasuharu Hasebe
- Trailer
- Optional English subtitles
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Time Tomorrow
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Japanese cinema expert Chris D.
- Limited edition of 3000 copies, presented in full-height Scanavo packaging with removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... killers-le

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... killers-le
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/60997,Black-Tight-Killers/

VÖ-Termin: 26.02.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

By A Man's Face Shall You Know Him (Japan / 1966)

byaman1234.jpg (107.34 KiB) 4197 mal betrachtet

Jahr: 1966
Land: Japan
Regie: Tai Katô
Drehbuch: Seiji Hoshikawa, Tai Katô
Hauptbesetzung: Noboru Andô, Ichirô Nakatan, iSanae Nakahara
A community struggles against immigrant gangs in the ruins of postwar Tokyo. Only doctor Amamiya (real-life ex-yakuza Noboru Ando) can save them, but he had enough fighting in the war. His pacifism is severely tested by the gangs’ increasingly outrageous taunts and when his neighbours decide to take matters into their own hands, Amamiya is forced to take action. The consequences prove to be much more far-reaching than he could ever foresee. With a story spread across three time periods, Tai Kato’s ambitious revision of the yakuza movie was one of the first films to tackle the taboo subject of Japan’s Korean nationals, greatly influencing the work of later directors such as Kinji Fukasaku and Takashi Miike.


- High-Definition digital transfer
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Appreciation by filmmaker Kenta Fukasaku (2023, 18 mins)
- Tribute to Sanae Nakahara by her son Kenta Fukasaku (2023, 14 mins)
- Tale of a Scarface - A visual essay on Noboru Ando by Nathan Stuart (2023. 22 mins)
- Newly translated English subtitles
- Reversible sleeve featuring original newly commissioned artwork by Time Tomorrow
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Mark Schilling
- Limited edition of 3000 copies, presented in full-height Scanavo packaging with removable OBI strip leaving packaging

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... now-him-le

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... now-him-le
Info Film: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0122646/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

VÖ-Termin: 26.02.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Suzhou River (China / 2000)


Jahr: 2000
Land: China
Regie: Ye Lou
Drehbuch: Ye Lou
Hauptbesetzung: Xun ZhouHongsheng JiaZhongkai Hua

A videographer narrates the story of Mardar, a small-time crook who delivers packages without asking questions, until he is tasked with delivering Moudan, the daughter of a shady smuggler. After a failed kidnapping attempt sees Moudan disappear and Mardar imprisoned, Mardar returns to the Suzhou River to look for Moudan. Instead, he discovers Meimei, a woman who looks identical to his long-lost love, and also happens to be the subject of our videographer narrator’s obsession. Set within the murky wastelands of Shanghai, Lou Ye’s award-winning re-tooling of Hitchcock’s Vertigo is a visual treat that features the kinetic style of Wong Kar-wai’s Chungking Express. A unique take on the neo-noir genre, Suzhou River is newly restored in 4K and made available on Blu-ray for the first time in the UK.


- 4K restoration of the film from the original negative
- 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
- Newly filmed interview with critic and programmer Tony Rayns (2024, 33 mins)
- In Shanghai - a short film documentary portrait by Lou of his home city (2001, 16 mins)
- Original trailer
- Optional English subtitles
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Time Tomorrow
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Josh Slater-Williams, Tony Rayns, a newly translated archival interview with Lou Ye and producer Philippe Bober
- Limited edition of 3000 copies, presented in full-height Scanavo packaging with removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... bbb9&_ss=r

Info Film: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0234837/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... bbb9&_ss=r

VÖ-Termin: 25.03.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

The Shape of Night (Japan / 1964)


Jahr: 1964
Land: Japan
Regie: Noboru Nakamura
Drehbuch: Toshidi Gondo, Kyoko Ohta
Hauptbesetzung: Miyuki Kuwano, Mikijirô Hira, Keisuke Sonoi
A young woman from the countryside (Miyuki Kuwano of Oshima’s Cruel Story of Youth) falls in love with a handsome hoodlum (Mikijiro Hira, Sword of the Beast), who pushes her into a life of prostitution. When his sleazy superiors catch sight of her, she finds herself trapped inside the gaudy maze of city nightlife. Directed by Noburo Nakamura, a veteran of the Shochiku studio’s signature Golden Age family dramas, The Shape of Night was made as a reaction to the radical film styles of the Japanese New Wave. With its lush cinematography full of saturated colours, a lyrical tone and its story of love leading to inescapable tragedy, it has been compared to the films of Douglas Sirk, while also acting as a precursor to the work of Wong Kar-wai.


- High-Definition digital transfer
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Visual essay on the artistic upheavals at Shochiku studios during the 1960s by Tom Mes
- Trailer
- New and improved English subtitle translation
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Time Tomorrow
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Chuck Stephens
- Limited edition of 3000 copies, presented in full-height Scanavo packaging with removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings
- More to be confirmed!

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... 01aa&_ss=r

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... 01aa&_ss=r
Info Film: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2162278/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3

VÖ-Termin: 29.04.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Shinobi (Japan / 1962 - 1963)


Teil 1 - 3:

- Shinobi: Band of Assassins (1962)
- Shinobi: Revenge (1963)
- Shinobi: Resurrection (1963)

It’s the 16th century and Japan is in chaos. Samurai clans engage each other in battle over who gets to rule the nation, while warlords call upon the ninja to spy on and assassinate their rivals. Goemon, an ambitious young member of a ninja family, is thrown into the turmoil of Japanese history when his village is wiped out by the forces of leading warlord Oda Nobunaga, who has sworn to eradicate the ninja in his quest for absolute power. Fueled by vengeance, Goemon uses every weapon in his arsenal to bring down Oda and to prove that a ninja is an army of one. Starring “the Japanese James Dean” Raizo Ichikawa (Sleepy Eyes of Death, Conflagration) alongside Tomisaburo Wakayama (Lone Wolf and Cub, the Bounty Hunter trilogy) and Ayako Wakao (Elegant Beast, Red Angel), the Shinobi series was an epoch-making success and became a social phenomenon that left deep marks on Japan of the 1960s, from children’s playgrounds to the leftist counter-culture. Packed with spectacular and oft-copied action scenes, it also established the ground rules for all ninja movies that followed, introducing such classic tropes as the shuriken throwing star and the iconic black mask and suit.


- High-Definition digital transfer of each film presented on two discs, made available on Blu-ray (1080p) for the first time outside of Japan
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Interview with Shozo Ichiyama, artistic director of the Tokyo International Film Festival, about director Satsuo Yamamoto
- Visual essay on the ninja in Japanese cinema by film scholar Mance Thompson
- Interview with film critic Toshiaki Sato on star Raizo Ichikawa
- Trailers
- New and improved optional English subtitles
- Six postcards of promotional material from the films
- Reversible sleeves featuring artwork based on original promotional materials
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Jonathan Clements on the Shinobi no mono series and Diane Wei Lewis on writer Tomoyoshi Murayama
- Limited Edition of 3000 copies, presented in a rigid box with full-height Scanavo cases and removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... bb0a&_ss=r

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... bb0a&_ss=r
Info Filme: Siehe OFDB / IMDB

VÖ-Termin: 27.05.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

The Valiant Ones (Taiwan / 1975)


Herstellungsland: Taiwan
Erscheinungsjahr: 1975
Regie: King Hu
Darsteller: Hsu Feng, Pai Ying, Simon Yuen Siu-Tin, Roy Chiao, Han Ying-Chieh, Sammo Hung


The Valiant Ones is perhaps the last true wuxia film directed by celebrated Taiwanese filmmaker King Hu, an undisputed master of the genre. Shot back-to-back with The Fate of Lee Khan (but not released until two years later), it stands as a worthy follow-up to his earlier works Come Drink with Me, Dragon Inn and A Touch of Zen.

During the reign of the Jiajing Emperor (Chao Lei), China’s coastal regions have come under attack by wokou – Japanese pirates under the leadership of the infamous Hakatatsu (Sammo Hung). To combat this threat, the Emperor tasks a trusted general, Zhu Wan (Tu Kuang-chi), with assembling a group of skilled warriors to find and eliminate the pirates. Under the command of General Yu Dayou (Roy Chiao), the band of soldiers – including husband-and-wife sword-fighters Wu Ji-yuan (Wing Bai) and Wu Ruo-shi (Feng Hsu) – set out to draw Hakatatsu, his ally Xu Dong (Han Ying-chieh) and their pirate clan into a series of spectacular showdowns.

Inspired by historical events and featuring several storied figures drawn from Chinese history, The Valiant Ones is a standout wuxia film produced during the dying days of the genre, as audience tastes were shifting towards more grounded kung fu cinema. The Masters of Cinema series is proud to present the film on Blu-ray from a 4K restoration.


- Limited edition O-Card slipcase featuring new artwork by Grégory Sacré (Gokaiju) [2000 copies]
- 1080p HD presentation on Blu-ray from a 4K digital restoration of the original negatives gifted by director King Hu to the Hong Kong Film Archive
- Uncompressed original Mandarin mono restored from the original soundtrack negative
- Optional English subtitles newly translated for this release
- Brand new audio commentary by Asian film expert Frank Djeng (NY Asian Film Festival)
- Tony Rayns on The Valiant Ones – Brand new interview with critic and Asian film expert Tony Rayns
- Tsar of all the Wuxia - a new video essay by David Cairns
- The Life of a Lucky Stuntman – Brand new interview with stuntman Billy Chan
- My Father and I – Brand new interview with actor Ng Ming-choi
- Archival 2003 interview with actress Hsu Feng by Frédéric Ambroisine
- Archival 2003 interview with Roger Garcia (Hong Kong International Film Festival Society) by Frédéric Ambroisine
- Archival 2016 interview with actor Ng Ming-choi by Frédéric Ambroisine
- A collector’s booklet featuring new writing on the film by Jonathan Clements

Quelle: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/the-valiant-ones/

Info BD: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/the-valiant-ones/
Info 4K UHD: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/the-val ... -ultra-hd/
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/19051,Die-Mutigen/

VÖ-Termin: 27.05.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Sympathy for the Underdog (Japan / 1971)


Herstellungsland: Japan
Erscheinungsjahr: 1971
Regie: Kinji Fukasaku
Darsteller: Kôji Tsuruta, Noboru Ando, Akiko Kudo, Hideo Murota, Tomisaburô Wakayama, Tsunehiko Watase

Returning from a ten-year prison sentence, former gang leader Gunji (Koji Tsuruta, Big Time Gambling Boss) finds that his turf has been taken over by his former enemy, now a large crime syndicate with a legal corporate front. Looking for new opportunities, he gathers his old crew and heads for the island of Okinawa, a legal grey zone ripe for the taking. Made just before Kinji (Yakuza Graveyard) Fukasaku’s 1970s streak of yakuza movie masterpieces, Sympathy for the Underdog is a key film in the development of this director’s unique style and themes.


- High-Definition digital transfer
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Audio commentary by yakuza film expert Nathan Stuart (2024)
- Interview with Fukasaku biographer Olivier Hadouchi (2024)
- Visual essay on Okinawa on screen by film historian and author Aaron Gerow (2024)
- Trailer
- New and improved English subtitle translation
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Time Tomorrow
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Bastian Meiresonne and an archival review of the film
- Limited Edition of 3000 copies, presented in full-height Scanavo packaging with removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... nderdog-le

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... nderdog-le
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/38339,Gamblers-in-Okinawa/

VÖ-Termin: 24.06.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Red Peony Gambler 1 – 3 (Japan / 1968-1969)


Jahr: 1968-1969
Land: Japan
Director: Kosaku Yamashita / Norifumi Suzuki / Tai Kato
Darsteller: Sumiko Fuji, Ken Takakura (1 and 3)


Originally released between 1968 and 1972, the Red Peony Gambler series is a cornerstone of the ninkyo eiga genre and a clear influence on such cult favourites such as Lady Snowblood and Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill. The Masters of Cinema series is proud to present the first three Red Peony Gambler films, starring Sumiko Fuji (13 Assassins) and directed by three titans of Japanese genre cinema in Kōsaku Yamashita, Norifumi Suzuki and Tai Katō.

Set during the Meiji era, Red Peony Gambler stars Fuji as Ryuko Yano, the daughter of a gambler. When her father is murdered, Ryuko takes on a new name derived from the crimson flower tattooed on her shoulder – “Oryu, the Red Peony” – and sets out for revenge. Then, in Red Peony Gambler 2: Gambler’s Obligation, Oryu falls in with a group of yakuza attempting to monopolise the silk trade. When machinations within the gang lead to a betrayal, the Red Peony takes action. Finally, in Red Peony Gambler 3: The Flower Cards Game, Oryu meets a pair of star-crossed lovers as she becomes embroiled in a conflict between rival yakuza clans.

Fuji would go on to play the Red Peony five more times, cementing the character as the archetype for many of the vengeful women to follow in Japanese cinema and beyond. These early entries in the Red Peony Gambler series are presented here for the first time ever on Blu-ray from brand new restorations of the original film elements by Toei.


- Limited edition O-Card slipcase featuring new artwork by Grégory Sacré (Gokaiju) [2000 copies]
- 1080p HD presentation of all three films from restorations of the original film elements supplied by Toei
- Original Japanese audio tracks (uncompressed LPCM mono)
- Optional English Subtitles
- Brand new audio commentary tracks on all three films
- Tony Rayns on Red Peony Gambler – brand new interview with critic and Asian cinema expert Tony Rayns
- Trailers
- A collector’s booklet featuring new writing by Jennifer Coates (Making Icons: Repetition and the Female Image in Japanese Cinema, 1945–1964) and Joe Hickinbottom

Quelle: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/red-peony-gambler-1-3/

Info BD: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/red-peony-gambler-1-3/
Info Filme: siehe OFDB

VÖ-Termin: 17.06.2024

Hoffe die anderen 5 Teile erscheinen ebenfalls über Eureka...!

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Nippon Erotica


10 Filme auf 9 Discs in einer Box.

In dieser Kollektion enthalten sind die Nikkatsu Filme:


und erstmals auch als DVD und BD in Deutschland veröffentlicht:

Das japanische Filmstudio Nikkatsu ist nicht nur das älteste Studio des Landes, sondern war auch federführend bei der Produktion von „Pinku Eiga“ Soft-Erotikfilmen, die von den sechziger bis in die achtziger Jahre boomten. Seit 2016 hat Nikkatsu eine neue Welle dieser Pinku Produktionen begonnen. Namhafte Regisseure und Regisseurinnen erzählen erotische Geschichten, deren Spektrum von Komödien über Thriller bis zu avantgardistischer Filmkunst reicht. Die Nippon Erotika Box präsentiert zehn Highlights dieses filmischen Schaffens.

Quelle: https://buschmediagroup.de/portfolio/nippon-erotica/

Info: https://buschmediagroup.de/portfolio/nippon-erotica/
Info Filme: siehe OFDB

VÖ-Termin: in Kürze verfügbar

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Vengeance of an Assassin ["The Killer - A New Generation"] (Thailand / 2014)


Herstellungsland: Thailand
Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Regie: Panna Rittikrai
Darsteller: Nantawooti Boonrapsap, Dan Chupong, Ping Lumprapleng

Der Codex der Killer lautet: Brechen Sie die Mission niemals ab! Lassen Sie niemals das Ziel aus den Augen! Zeig keine Gnade! Nate (DAN CHUPONG aus "THE EXPENDABLES 4" und "BORN TO FIGHT") wurde zum eiskalten Profikiller - um herauszufinden, wer seine Eltern getötet hat. Während er der Aufdeckung eines geheimen Netzwerks aus Macht und Korruption immer näher kommt, wird er bei einem Job hintergangen, was ihn zum Ziel macht und alle, die er liebt, in Gefahr bringt. Verraten, entlarvt und gejagt von den tödlichsten Killern der Branche, hat Nate nun einen neuen Codex: Sei schneller! Stärker! Schlag härter! Überlebe!

Erstmals in deutscher Sprache! Ein furioses Action-Meisterwerk vom Regisseur der Kultfilme "ONG BAK 2" und "ONG BAK 3". Blitzschnelle Fights, waghalsige Stunts, blutige Schießereien und Explosionen! Brutal und spannend! Mit einem nervenzerfetzenden Finale in bester "JOHN WOO"-Manier! FULL UNCUT und 2K-HD-remastert!

Info BD: https://www.ofdb.de/vorabfassung/276112 ... ation-The/
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/276112,&partner=39210

VÖ-Termin: 28.06.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Exhuma (Südkorea / 2024)


Jahr: 2024
Land: Südkorea
Darsteller: Choi Min-sik, Kim Go-eun, Yoo Hai-jin, Lee Do-hyun, Kim Jae-chul
Regie: Jang Jae-hyeon

Der düstere Mystery-Horrorfilm mit Oldboy-Star Choi Min-sik eroberte die koreanische Filmindustrie im Sturm und stellte nur wenige Tage nach der Veröffentlichung neue Rekorde an den Kinokassen! Regisseur Jang Jae-hyun (Svaha: The Sixth Finger) verbindet gekonnt Elemente des koreanischen Schamanismus mit klassischen Geistererzählungen. Ein neuer Meilenstein im okkulten Genre und eine nervenaufreibende Reise in das Herz des asiatischen übernatürlichen Glaubens!

Eine wohlhabende koreanische Familie in Los Angeles leidet unter einer Reihe von unerklärlichen paranormalen Vorfällen. Um den vermeintlichen Fluch zu brechen, wird ein junges Schamanenduo beauftragt, das Grab der Ahnen in Südkorea zu exhumieren. Gemeinsam mit einem Bestatter und einem Feng-Shui-Experten reisen sie zu einem abgelegenen Dorf, um die unzugängliche Ruhestätte der Vorfahren ausfindig zu machen. Trotz einer dunklen Vorahnung wird die Exhumierung durchgeführt, die eine feindselige und jahrzehntelang begrabene Kraft freisetzt. Um zu überleben, muss sich das Team sowohl mit übernatürlichen Wesen als auch mit seinen eigenen Ängsten auseinandersetzen …

• Ein nervenaufreibender Mystery-Horrorfilm mit Choi Min-sik (Oldboy, I Saw the Devil)!
• „Erreicht eine neue Stufe des Horrors“ Korea Herald
• „Düsterer Dämonen-Horror“ Moviebreak
• „In der eisigen Stille eines Grabes liegt eine Geschichte, die Grenzen überschreitet und Trauer mit Wut und Tradition mit Moderne verbindet“ kpopmap.com

Quelle: https://splendid-film.de/exhuma

Info DVD/BD/MB: https://splendid-film.de/exhuma
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/379014,Exhuma/

VÖ-Termin: 26.07.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Tokijiro: Lone Yakuza (Japan / 1966)


Jahr: 1966
Land: Japan
Darsteller: Shin Hasegawa, Masahiro Kakefuda, Naoyuki Suzuki
Regie:Tai Katô

Weary of the rigid codes of the underworld, gambler Tokijiro (Kinnosuke Nakamura, Goyokin) wanders Japan in search of freedom. But escape proves to be impossible when an obligation to a gang boss leaves him with no choice but to kill a man. To atone for his crime, he vows to take care of his victim’s widow and young son. But the gang won’t rest until they’ve killed the entire family - including the man who stands in their way. With this breathtakingly stylised film, Tai Kato broke all the conventions of the yakuza genre, fusing blood-spurting action with melodrama worthy of Japanese cinema’s greatest masters.


- High-Definition digital transfer
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- Interview with film critic Koushi Ueno about the film’s place in genre cinema history (2024)
- A visual essay on star Kinnosuke Nakamura by Japanese cinema expert Robin Gatto (2024)
- New and improved English subtitle translation
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Time Tomorrow
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by scholar Ivo Smits and a newly translated archival review
- Limited Edition of 3000 copies, presented in full-height Scanavo packaging with removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... -yakuza-le

Info BD: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... -yakuza-le
Info Film: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0122577/?r ... q_Tokijiro

VÖ-Termin: 26.08.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

World Noir Vol 2


3 Filme:


As the 1960s got underway, the golden age of film noir in Hollywood came to an end, with a new wave of filmmaking emerging that would define itself against the studio system. But while the classic noir fell out of favour with American audiences and producers, filmmakers from across the world - particularly in countries that continued to grapple with the devastating fall out of the Second World War - continued to produce first-rate examples of the genre, with three such examples collected here, in our second volume of titles showcasing the best of World Noir.


Sohnen is a town built on vice for the occupying American forces in Cold War Germany. Robert, a local truck driver who sells off gravel from the site he works on as a side hustle, runs into an old flame, Inge. Inge is now respectably married to American officer John who runs the site. Driving in Robert’s truck, tragedy strikes and he and Inge must do their best to cover up a pair of dead bodies. From Helmut Käutner, unknown in the UK but the subject of numerous recent retrospectives and hailed as an underappreciated master, his films have remained difficult to see outside of Germany until recently: Black Gravel has been restored by the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung in two versions, the ‘Premiere version’ and a ‘Distribution version’, the latter of which removing two moments of antisemitism, something which Käutner was unafraid of portraying in the film as still being present in society but proved to be too uncomfortable for audiences at the time.


Five gangsters raise the cash to buy a large shipment of drugs which they plan to sell on. One of the gang however plans to secretly rob his partners, beginning an escalating spiral of violence and deception that leaves a trail of bodies across France. Fiendishly plotted with a twisty script from José Giovanni (Le trou) and Claude Sautet (Classe tous risques) adapting a novel by Reynaud-Fourton, Symphony for a Massacre sees the French master of the mystery thriller Jacques Deray (La piscine) directing with real energy and verve. Featuring an icy performance by Jean Rochefort (Tell No One), support from a remarkable cast of France’s finest character actors, and stunning photography by Claude Renoir (La grande illusion), this is French crime cinema of the highest quality.


Togawa (Joe Shishido, Branded to Kill) is released from prison early by his underworld bosses. They make him execute a daring heist on an armoured vehicle, knowing he has no choice to do it as he needs the money for his sister’s surgery. With multiple partners and facets to the operation, much is at risk and all is never as it seems. A variation on Stanley Kubrick’s The Killing from Nikkatsu’s Action line, Takumi Furukawa directs this yakuza tale with every bit of the deftness found in classic American noir of the 1950s, featuring hard-boiled characters and enough twists to make your fedora spin.


- 4K restoration of Symphony for a Massacre by Pathé, presented on Blu-ray for the first time in the UK
- 2K restoration of Black Gravel by the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, presented on Blu-ray for the first time in the UK
- High-Definition digital transfer of Cruel Gun Story, presented on Blu-ray for the first time in the world
- Original uncompressed mono PCM audio for all films
- Optional English subtitles for all films
- Newly designed artwork based on original posters
- Limited edition 80-page perfect bound book by critics and experts including Carmen Gray on post-war German politics and film, Elena Lazic on Jose Giovanni, David Hering on noir’s evolution in the 1960s, and Jake Cole on the filmography of Joe Shishido
- Limited Edition of 3,000 copies presented in a rigid box with full-height Scanavo cases for each film and removable OBI strip leaving packaging free of certificates and markings


- Includes both uncensored original cut and the re-edited distribution cut
- Audio commentary with film historian Olaf Möller (2020)
- Newl introduction from writer and programmer Margaret Deriaz (2024)
- Newsreel footage of film set featuring behind-the-scenes footage and an interview with Käutner (1960)
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork


- New introduction by critic Christina Newland (2024)
- Archival interviews with cast members Charles Vanel, Jean Rochefort and director Jacques Deray (1963)
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork


- Audio commentary by author and filmmaker Jasper Sharp (2024)
- New introduction by critic and programmer Tony Rayns (2024)
- Archival interview with actor Joe Shishido
- Visual essay by critic Philip Kemp on Nikkatsu’s noir films of the 1960s (2024)
- Original trailer
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork

Quelle: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... r-vol-2-le

Info BD Box: https://www.radiancefilms.co.uk/product ... r-vol-2-le
Info Film(e): siehe OFDB

VÖ-Termin: 26.08.2024
Zuletzt geändert von alex_wintermute am Mi., 04.09.2024 14:24, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Wolves, Pigs & Men (Japan / 1964)


Jahr: 1964
Land: Japan
Darsteller: Ken Takakura, Rentarô Mikuni, Kin'ya Kitaôji, Shinjirô Ebara
Regie: Kinji Fukasaku

A standout yakuza film directed by a master of the genre in Kinji Fukasaku (Battles Without Honour and Humanity), Wolves, Pigs and Men is an uncompromising treatise on brutality and brotherhood starring Rentaro Mikuni (Harakiri), Kinya Kitaoji (Battles Without Honour and Humanity: Final Episode) and the inimitable Ken Takakura (Abashiri Prison).

Kuroki (Mikuni), Jiro (Takakura) and Sabu (Kitaoji) are three brothers born into poverty. Kuroki, the eldest, finds an escape from his squalid beginnings by turning to organised crime – and soon both Jiro and Sabu have followed him into the yakuza lifestyle. But none of the brothers see eye to eye, each of them showing more loyalty to their criminal comrades than to their siblings. Following a stint in prison, Jiro convinces Sabu to help him pull off a potentially lucrative heist, leading to a series of betrayals and horrifically violent acts that will test the bonds of blood to their breaking point.

Blending the staple themes of the Japanese gangster film with narrative and aesthetic qualities borrowed from the French New Wave and American film noir, Wolves, Pigs and Men stands as one of the finest yakuza movies of the 1960s. The Masters of Cinema series is proud to present the film in its UK debut, on Blu-ray from a new restoration of the original film elements by Toei.


- Limited edition O-Card slipcase featuring new artwork by Grégory Sacré (Gokaiju)
- 1080p HD presentation on Blu-ray from a restoration of the original film elements supplied by Toei
- Original Japanese audio track (uncompressed LPCM mono)
- Audio commentary track by Jasper Sharp
- Interview with screenwriter Junya Sato
- Interview with producer Tatsu Yoshida
- Interview with Kinji Fukasaku’s biographer, Sadao Yamane
- Trailer
- A collector’s booklet featuring new writing by Japanese cinema expert Joe Hickinbottom

Quelle: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/wolves-pigs-and-men/

Info BD: https://eurekavideo.co.uk/movie/wolves-pigs-and-men/
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/38340,Wolves-Pigs-&-Men/

VÖ-Termin: 19.08.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Undeclared War (Hongkong / 1990)


Herstellungsland: Hongkong
Erscheinungsjahr: 1990
Darsteller: Olivia Hussey, Peter Liapis, Vernon Wells, David Hedison, Danny Lee
Regie: Ringo Lam

Hannibal ist nicht nur ein international gesuchter Terrorist, sondern auch Anführer der 'World Liberation Army'.

Nach einem Massaker in Warschau kommt er nach Hongkong, wo er mittels Bomben und weiteren Ermordungen die ganze Stadt in Panik versetzt.

Auf seine Spur heften sich ein Hongkonger Polizist und ein CIA Agent, die schon bald das eigentliche Ziel seiner terroristischen Aktivitäten herausfinden: Ein Bombenanschlag auf die amerikanische Wirtschaftsdelegation! Der explodierende Höhepunkt endet in einer brutalen und blutigen Konfrontation...

Die Action-Superbombe ist gezündet! Mit den Mega-Stars den Hongkong-Kinos OLIVIA HUSSEY ("H-Bombe - Tag des Infernos"), DANNY LEE ("China White 2", "Hard Boiled II"), TOMMY WONG ("John Woo: The Killer"), ROSAMUND KWAN ("Cover Hard III", "Once Upon a Time in China") und MARS ("Dragon Lord").

Produziert von KARL MAKA ("Mad Mission"). Regie führte RINGO LAM ("Twin Dragons - Das Powerduo", "Cover Hard", "Prison on Fire").

Zwischen 1992 und 2007 auf dem Index! Erstmals in deutscher Sprache auf Blu-ray!

Quelle: https://www.cargo-records.de/de/item/16 ... rt.75.html

Info BD: https://www.cargo-records.de/de/item/16 ... rt.75.html
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/2476,Undeclared-War/

VÖ-Termin: 30.08.2024

Beiträge: 2413
Registriert: Di., 03.11.2020 13:16

Re: Kommende Veröffentlichungen : Eastern & Asia

Beitrag von alex_wintermute »

Angel Terminators (Hongkong / 1992)


Herstellungsland: Hongkong
Erscheinungsjahr: 1992
Darsteller: Yang Pan-Pan, Kara Hui, Dick Wei, Kenneth Tsang, Carrie Ng, Michiko Nishiwaki
Regie: Wai Lit

hamrock Media bringt zum ersten Mal den Hongkong Klassiker auf Deutsch heraus und das direkt in bester Qualität!

Willkommen zum blutigen Kugelballett! Wie weit würdest du gehen, um dich zu rächen? Wie viele Leichen ist man gewillt zu stapeln, um sie als Treppe zum eigenen Erfolg zu nutzen? Wie weit treibt einen der Drang nach Vergeltung? ANGEL ENFORCERS entfesselt ein Action-Inferno, bei dem niemand sicher ist!

Ein extrem nachtragender Gangsterboss (Kenneth Tsang) kehrt aus seinem thailändischen Exil zurück und will wieder die Macht an sich reißen. Was folgt ist eine Orgie der Gewalt, in der jeder aus dem Weg geräumt wird, der ihm im Weg steht. Mord wird zu seiner blutigen Währung, dass müssen auch zwei toughe Polizistinnen (Sharon Yeung & Kara Hui) am eigenen Leib erfahren, die sich mit dem Fall beschäftigten. Denn der sadistische Verbrecher konnte nur soweit kommen, weil er einige brutale Kämpfer aus seiner Seite (Michiko Nishiwaki & Dick Wei) hat, deren Handkanten und Kicks noch tödlicher sind als viele Schusswaffen!

ANGEL TERMINATORS serviert prominent besetzte Hongkong-Action mit ganz viel Style und jener Ruchlosigkeit, die es nur bei Werken aus der damaligen britischen Kronkolonie zu bewundern gibt. Als Bonus gibt es zudem Auftritte von sexy Femme Fatale Carrie Ng und Erotikdarstellerin Cheng Yuen-Man.

Bildformat:2:35 1080p
Untertitel: DE, ENG

Quelle: https://retrogold63.de/products/angel-t ... ttberichte

Info BD: https://www.ofdb.de/vorabfassung/40575, ... rminators/ und https://retrogold63.de/products/angel-t ... ttberichte
Info Film: https://www.ofdb.de/film/40575,Angel-Terminators/

VÖ-Termin: 31.05.2024
